Arborea demo-site

Geographic information
Country: Italy
Location and population: Island, North MED - 0,07 million people
Basin area: 854 Km2
The Italian demo site of the OurMED project is the Arborea area located in Sardinia, an island in the North MED region. It covers an area of 854 km2 and experiences a mild temperate climate with dry summers. The site is known for its 10 areas dedicated to conservation and protection, including three Ramsar sites, which are wetlands of international importance. The main objectives of the Italy demo site are to address water distribution issues, pollution, and energy challenges.
Key Stakeholders
Region of Sardinia, Agricultural Councillor:
As the main regional stakeholder, this authority plays a crucial role in implementing agricultural policies in the region.
Regional Agency of the Hydrographical District:
This regional water agency is interested in sharing its experience in water management and learning from the OurMED projec
Water Agency of Sardinia (ENAS):
As a regional agency, ENAS is actively involved in managing reservoirs for multiple uses and will contribute its expertise to the project.
Oristanese Land Reclamation and Irrigation:
This public organization will provide valuable data on monitoring and distribution of irrigation water.
Cooperativa Produttori Arborea (Farmers' coop):
With over 200 members, this private cooperative will share data on agricultural practices and water use in the region.
Fishermen Cooperative Arborea:
This private cooperative will contribute data on aquaculture activities in the wetlands.
Municipality of Arborea:
As a local authority, the municipality will provide valuable information on water use in the area.
LIPU Italian League for bird protection:
This national NGO will share data on wetland biodiversity and water dynamics.