Press releases

Press releases

Press release - Grundwasservorräte in Südwesteuropa insgesamt stabiler als angenommen / Differenzierte Betrachtung jedoch notwendig

The article published on August 6, 2024, on the Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (idw) website, discusses UfZ's scientific publication titled "Multi-decadal groundwater observations reveal surprisingly stable levels in southwestern Europe". Several OurMED partners contributed to this research providing new insights into groundwater stability, challenging assumptions about depletion in the region. 

The press release is available here.


Press release - Groundwater reserves in southwestern Europe prove more stable than anticipated

The article published on August 6, 2024, on the Muser Press website, discusses UfZ's scientific publication titled "Multi-decadal groundwater observations reveal surprisingly stable levels in southwestern Europe". Several OurMED partners contributed to this research providing new insights into groundwater stability, challenging assumptions about depletion in the region. 

The press release is available here.


Press release - Groundwater reserves in southwestern Europe more stable overall than previously thought

The article published on August 6, 2024, on the UFZ - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research website, discusses their latest scientific publication titled "Multi-decadal groundwater observations reveal surprisingly stable levels in southwestern Europe". Several OurMED partners contributed to this research providing new insights into groundwater stability, challenging assumptions about depletion in the region. 

The press release is available here.


Press release - Groundwater reserves in southwestern Europe more stable overall than previously thought

The article published on August 6, 2024, on the Science Magazine website, discusses UfZ's scientific publication titled "Multi-decadal groundwater observations reveal surprisingly stable levels in southwestern Europe". Several OurMED partners contributed to this research providing new insights into groundwater stability, challenging assumptions about depletion in the region. 

The press release is available here.


Press release - Groundwater reserves in southwestern Europe more stable overall than previously thought

The article published on August 6, 2024, on the Partnership for European Environmental Research website, discusses UfZ's scientific publication titled "Multi-decadal groundwater observations reveal surprisingly stable levels in southwestern Europe". Several OurMED partners contributed to this research providing new insights into groundwater stability, challenging assumptions about depletion in the region. 

The press release is available here.


Press release - Gestion et Gouvernance des Ressources en Eau dans Le Bassin du Sebou et ses Liens avec les Écosystèmes Humides

The article, published on May 7, 2024, on the Le Vert website, discusses the "1st Living Lab Sebou" event held in Fès. This workshop focused on the management and governance of water resources in the Sebou Basin and their links to wetland ecosystems. 

The press release is available here.



OurMED is part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union.