The OurMED project recently organized pioneering Living Lab sessions on February 21 and 22, bringing together various stakeholders at the University of Jendouba and Sidi Thabet. These sessions, focusing on the governorates of Jendouba, Kef, Manouba, Ariana and Bizerte, aimed to promote collaborative approaches to environmental challenges.
The Mujib National Committee convened on February 10, 2024, at the Landmark Hotel in Amman, marking a significant milestone for the OurMED project and water governance in the Mujib River Basin (MRB). This meeting brought together experts and officials to address critical challenges in the basin and to foster a collaborative approach towards sustainable water management.
In a continuous effort to strengthen living lab communities around the Mediterranean region, the OurMED team in Turkey recently undertook a significant trip to Konya. The main objective of this visit was to establish and consolidate the living lab community in the region, a crucial step towards achieving sustainable and collaborative solutions for local challenges.
The 5th edition of the Mediterranean Water Forum, held in Tunisia from February 05 to 07, 2024, focused on the theme "Together for shared water sobriety." The forum aimed to bring together key stakeholders in the Mediterranean water community to address pressing issues. It sought to provide innovative solutions to evolving water needs and serve as a platform for showcasing replicable solutions to emerging global water problems.
In pursuit of sustainable solutions to water challenges, the Higher School of Engineers of Medjez Elbeb organized a living lab workshop on February 14, 2024, as part of the OurMED project. This event convened stakeholders identified during preparatory interviews, comprising 51 participants representing various sectors, including farmers, administrative bodies (CRDA, ONAS, SONEDE), municipal representatives, agricultural service companies, and ODESYPANO: the Northwest Sylvopastoral Development Office.
The study visit organized by SEMIDE in collaboration with the Sahara and Sahel Observatory and Tour du Valat on January 23-24 brought together partners and stakeholders of the Restore NAW project from Morocco and Tunisia. The aim was to exchange experiences and share best practices in Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for the protection and restoration of wetland ecosystems, as well as for better adaptation to climate change.
Discussions focused on proven techniques and approaches used in various monitoring, conservation, and restoration actions in wetland environments. These initiatives were conducted by Tour du Valat and SEMIDE, along with their partners, in the Camargue region and other areas across the Mediterranean basin.
As part of this visit, a dedicated session was held for the OurMED project, during which OurMED’s French partners SEMIDE and Tour du Valat presented various project activities around the Mediterranean basin.